Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Purpose

Well this is my first blog, I guess you could call me a virgin blogger. I started the blog for the purpose of remembrance. Although I'm only 36, I realized that I can't remember all of the little stories that made me smile. The little moments are the ones that make my heart skip a beat, and I dont want to lose that feeling.

I want to write about past, present, and future moments-moments that made me laugh, cry, hurt and heal. I feel like everybody hurts and everybody has the potential to heal. Everyone has laughed and cried, but its completely up to you which you choose to do more....I personally hope that at the end of my life, my happiness drastically outweighs the hurt, and my laughter overcomes my cries. Each of us has a journey to walk, and it is our decision everyday whether we walk it alone or with the blessings from above. This is why my blog is called Journey Blessings, because my hope for myself and my children is that when in doubt, look up-when in shame, look up-when in love, look up, when content, look up-when all else fails or when all is well, look up, because no matter what..... God does not fail or fall. God Bless each of you, and may your blessings pour out.


1 comment:

  1. So glad you decided to do this. You will look back in 6 months, a year, two years, and be so glad that you made took the time to write down these sweet memories!! Welcome to the blogging world, LOVE YOU!!!

